Answered on: December 19, 2022


Ik zou graag willen weten of jullie ook Debet Kaarten accepteren en zo ja hoe kan ik dat terugzien op uw website?


Ja, op vele locaties worden Debet Kaarten geaccepteerd maar niet op alle. Hieronder vind u de instructies om Debet kaart verhuurders te vinden / uit filteren op onze website:-



From a tablet, PC or Lap-Top :-
On the search results page (where the available car photos are displayed), scroll down the left-hand side menu at the bottom you may see a tick box, to filter out suppliers who do not accept Debit.

From a mobile:-
On the search results page (where the available car photos are displayed), at the top of the page you see a blue “ Filter “ button, click on it and a choice of filters is shown. Click on the filter option “ Cards accepted at pick-up “ (if available), click “ Both Credit and Debit Cards “, click “ Done “, finally click “ Apply “ to filter out suppliers who do not accept Debit.